I MUST congratulate Brian McGlynn on his letter of June 21, 2005 "Bible gets in the way of true religion". He makes some worthy comments that most followers of religion should take heed of.

I came to the conclusion many years ago that the present day God or Gods are nothing but bloodthirsty creatures who just want their share of blood letting and sacrifices to wet their appetites (if they do exist at all).

How many times have we seen in the thousands of years since the introduction into this world of the present day God or Gods that millions follow the blood letting in their names?

We have at this present time thousands of pitiful lost souls who carry on their person some means to eliminate others with the cry that their God is the greatest and the other God is rubbish -- hang on a minute, are they not the same God?

Brian is quite correct in saying all religious books should be banned alongside the religions that cry out for more blood letting.

Myself, I care for only one true religion or way of life and that dear readers is a simple one, believe in the air we breathe, the ground that we grow our food in, the water that comes out of the sky and the sun which binds all the other things together to give us life.

The rest you can forget about.

All other man-made effigies and man-written books (why was it always man who got the word, what happened to the woman?) are just that -- man made.

R J M LOEBELL, Edisford Road, Clitheroe.