THOSE who man school crossing patrols literally have the lives of our children in the hands which hold up lollipop signs.

They perform a vital service providing safe passage for youngsters dashing to and from schools throughout East Lancshire in ever-worsening traffic conditions.

Lollipop ladies and men turn out to face drivers who are not always courteous and respectful in weather conditions which can be appalling, but gain the instant respect and gratitude of parents everywhere.

Neither police nor teachers are able to fill the role - and now it seems the school crossing patrol service is struggling too.

Thousands of leaflets are to be distributed to homes in an effort to find people for vacancies across the area, some of which have been unfilled for more than a year.

The lack of a crossing warden understandably forces many more parents to see their children all the way to class - to ensure they arrive safely - and thus causes even worse congestion outside schools.

The timings involved and long holidays could make vacancies attractive to many wanting to supplement their pensions.

But if the present campaign fails to find enough recruits, officials will have to consider increasing the £5.25 an hour payments. This is an essential service which must be kept going.