A BUS service for elderly and vulnerable people is appealing for volunteer drivers to help retain the service.

The Little Green Bus service in Longridge which runs from Mondays to Fridays, acts as a lifeline for many of its passengers.

It takes residents from around the Ribble Valley area to attend vital appointments or to do their weekly food shopping.

Now, Ribble Valley's community transport team is calling for more people to volunteer as drivers and is also aiming to extend its community car scheme.

The car scheme aims to provide transport to shops, hospitals or social appointments for those who are unable to use the Little Green Bus.

Donna Atkinson, man-ager of the Little Green Bus said: "We are the facilitators of the bus scheme on behalf of Lancashire County Council but at the moment, for our community car scheme, we have no volunteer drivers in Longridge and surrounding areas.

"They would help us provide a lifeline service for those who cannot get out by bus, enabling them to go shopping, visit friends or relatives, anything they need."

Volunteers who would be given full training would have to use their own cars and stipulate the times they are available.

The Little Green Bus, which has been running now for five years, is a social enterprise which oper-ates on a not-for-profit basis.

Ms Atkinson added: "The organisation provides door-to-door transport to mainly elderly and sometimes vulnerable members of the community, for the purpose of accessing retail services and health-related appointments as well as social and leisure opportunities.

"Our aim is to promote a 'greener' way to travel, whilst helping people who may feel socially excluded to enjoy some independence and enabl-ing them to use services that they would otherwise struggle to access."

For further information on the scheme or to volunteer, call 01200 444484.