TURF Moor regulars have been challenged to improve their half-time eating habits with the introduction of a new broth.

Pensioners and schoolchildren were amongst people taking part in a taste test yesterday to decide which of four local recipes will make the menu for the home game against West Ham.

If the healthy broth is a success then it could become a regular at Turf Moor, alongside pies and hot dogs.

Chris Gibson, catering manager at Burnley Football Club, said: “It is going to be a challenge that’s for sure.

“I think a lot of fans see going to the match as a day off, from work and from eating healthily.

“But we’ve spoke to other football clubs and done a lot of research and a lot of fans would like to see a healthy option on the menu.”

Fans visited Turf Moor yesterday to try the four broths, while regular members of the club’s weekly bingo club had a taste as well as pupils from Brunshaw Primary School, who created one of the recipes.

Ada Graham, 78, said: “I really enjoyed broth C, it had a very peppery taste which made it great for the cold weather and it tasted really fresh.

“I tried all of them and think they have all done really well, but C would get my vote.”

Vera Porter, 84, said: “I voted for option D, it definitely seemed the healthiest option.

“There were a lot of vegetables, you would get plenty of your five a day.”

Marianne Tattersall, 82, said: “They were all quite nice and I think they would definitely sell at the football club, I would certainly have some more every week.”

Mr Gibson said the club currently sold 5,000 pies at every home game, while forward Robbie Blake scoffs jelly babies at half time, to give him energy for the second half.

The winning broth will be announced on Friday and will be on the menu for the February 6 game.

>> on the menu today

Broth A: by Patricia Hopkins.

Ingredients: Fresh roasted whole chicken, green peas, leeks, celery, carrots, cabbage, swede, turnips, potatoes, onions, dumplings.

Broth B: by Godfrey Hands.

Ingredients: Pearl barley, red lentils, split peas, uncooked macaroni, spaghetti, tagliatelle, onions, minced beef, carrot, swede, potato, mushrooms, cabbage, celery, bay leaves.

Broth C: by Brunshaw Primary School.

Ingredients: Vegetables grown on the school grounds, including onions, carrots, potatoes, leeks, lentils, fresh parsley, garlic, pepper.

Broth D: by Bellisimo Expresso Bar.

Ingredients: One whole chicken, turnip, swede, onions, celery, large carrots, leeks, pearl barley, black pepper.