Mr K Warrender gave an illustrated talk at Ramsbottom Heritage Society on Manchester Underground, based on his 30 years of research of the subject.

The rock structure of Manchester is ideal for tunnelling and this enabled some of the first canal tunnels to connect the River Medlock to the basements of warehouses.

Arches on the Irwell embankment below The Cathedral show the entry to large warehouses tunnelled into the rock.

Extensive tunnels have been found built to store water for the many industries no longer to be found in Manchester.

Many of the neglected tunnels were restored and fitted out to provide air raid shelters in the last war.

The last tunnels were dug in the 1950s and would become the administration centres in case of war.

Mr Warrender told that there are many tunnels under Manchester that he was unable to gain access to.

The next meeting will be on December 16 and not December 9. The speaker will be Ron Bolton on Christmas Past and Present.

l-The Ramsbottom Heritage Society's December Social Evening, to be held at Ramsbottom Civic Hall, planned for December 9, has been re-scheduled for December 16.

This late change is very much regretted. Anyone wishing to attend, please call Joan or Tony Murphy 01706 827245 for booking and tickets cost £4.