A COMMUNITY garden project to unite Haslingden people has been launched by a Rossendale pensioner.

Harry Grady, 63, of West View, has vowed to revamp a disused stretch of land in a bid to bring people from different backgrounds together.

By working in conjunction with local councils, training providers and the community, Harry, and 10 other members of Haslingden Neighbourhood Forum, want to create apprenticeships for land management and horticulture.

The group has now entered the project into Lancashire County Council's Give It A Go competition in the hope to secure £5,000 for the initiative.

Harry said: "We live in a multi-cultural community and I strongly believe that this project would not only benefit individuals, but it's what the area needs to bring people of all ages and backgrounds together.

"Residents would learn how to manage land in an environmentally friendly way and by working with local schools and other ethnic groups in the area, our vision is to help create community cohesion."

Rossendale entrepreneurs have until January 2010 to enter their ideas and be in with a chance winning the Give it a Go competition.

Visit www.lancashire.gov.uk/giveitago.