AN ORGANISATION that has raised more than £250,000 for charity has celebrated its 50th anniversary.

Rossendale Round Table was set up to give men aged 18 to 45 in the borough a way to socialise outside their families and usual circle of friends.

But along the way it has raised money for good causes in countless events, including a car wash which last week raised £2,000 for Children in Need.

The round table’s 16 current members were joined by around 120 honorary members, former chairmen and guests to celebrate the group’s birthday at an event at Rawtenstall’s St Mary’s Chambers.

Group secretary Umar Memon said: “It was a really successful night and the most people we have ever had at an event.

“We even had someone come over from Belgium, along with many of the original members.”

Meanwhile, guests were entertained by former Olympic sprinter and motivational speaker Derek Redmond.

Anyone interested in joining can call Mr Memon 07977 588898 or email