Colne Connected [Colne Market Town Partnership,], supported by Pendle Borough Council, has erected 2 Railway Heritage Plaques in the Railway Station Car Park to record the opening of the through rail route between Skipton and Burnley. The first Plaque reads: “The Line between Skipton and Colne was opened by the Leeds and Bradford Railway on 2nd October 1848. It was closed by the Secretary of State for Transport on 2nd February 1970”. The second Plaque reads: “The Line between Colne and Skipton by the East Lancashire Railway on 1st February 1849”. SELRAP [Skipton – East Lancashire Rail Partnership] is campaigning to have the line reopened between Colne and Skipton to connect to the national rail network. The track- bed has been protected for transport use. SELRAP has also produced a sustainable business case, the JMP Study, which shows that the reopening is justified on economic, social and environmental grounds. The next step in the Campaign is to engage with funding partners to develop a detailed engineering study with options and full costs. The preferred option will be for the reinstatement of the double-track railway with electrification of the existing East Lancashire Valley Line and the restored Colne - Skipton section to link it to the Aire Valley Line from Skipton to Leeds and Bradford.