NEW life could be breathed into one of Colne’s most historic drinking establishments which closed in October.

Patricia Bulcock wants to reopen The RAOB Club, in Walton Street, as a pub called The Buffs and has applied for a premises licence.

Five neighbours have objected to the application, fearing the pub will mean increased noise and anti-social behaviour.

But Mrs Bulcock’s daughter, Joanne Nutter, who has been dealing with the application, said it would be aimed at an ‘older’ clientele and measures were in place to safeguard against any problems.

The scheme also had the support of the police and fire service.

Licensing councillors will make their decision next Thursday.

According to Mrs Nutter, they bought the site, which takes up two adjoining terrace houses, when it was still the RAOB Club.

They decided to take steps to reopen it as a watering hole after being encouraged by people who used to drink there.

And the owners plan to call the pub The Buffs because that is how it has been affectionately known by regulars in recent years.

Mrs Nutter, from Colne, said: “We want to have a nice clientele. It’s going to be more for the ‘older’ generation and will be somewhere for them to go for a nice quiet drink where they are not pushed around and there is no loud disco music blaring out.

“It will help the local people have a nicer social life.

"There aren’t enough places for people to go because a lot of pubs have closed.

“We want to be nice to the neighbours and will ask people to be quiet when they are leaving.”

If the licence is granted, the pub will be able to open until midnight seven days a week and for an additional hour on bank holidays.

The owners will also have permission to open for an extra two hours at the end of normal licensing hours on New Year’s Eve.

Residents in Walton Street and one business-owner have sent letters of objection to Pendle Council.