SHOPPERS can park for free in Ramsbottom town centre.

Aldi bosses have confirmed the 89 free spaces at the Railway Street store are not restricted to supermarket customers.

Traders were concerned that while a third supermarket was bringing new customers into the town, the lack of parking was preventing shoppers from visiting the town’s smaller businesses.

When Morrisons replaced the Co-op store, it restricted parking for supermarket shoppers to two hours at a time.

Gina Ball, chairman of the Ramsbottom Traders’ Group and owner of Memories Antiques, said: “It was noted by customers that if they were able to park for longer they would come into town for a coffee and a look around the shops.

“This is fantastic news, I think it makes a big difference.”

An Aldi spokesperson said: “We do not have parking restrictions in place at the Ramsbottom store at the moment.

“However, we will monitor the situation and if it is evident that parking is becoming a problem for Aldi customers in the future, restrictions would be put in place.”