PLANS to build a new football pavilion on neglected fields in Oswaldtwistle have been submitted to Lancashire Country Council.

Heys Playing Fields in Heron Way have been blighted by dog fouling and by people using it as a motorbike scrambling area in recent years, but hopes now are high for it to be used by football teams.

The single-storey building would provide changing and storage facili-ties for teams from Rhyddings Business and Enterprise School, Hippings Methodist School and Oswaldtwistle St Mary’s Football Club.

The plans also include a 33-space carpark, footpaths and security fence.

The current all-weather pitch would be converted to a natural grass football pitch and re-draining work would take place.

The pavilion and car park would be on green belt land towards the western edge of the site, which is boardered by residential properties and allotments.

There have been 20 letters of objection to the proposal, most on the grounds that the 2.4 metre security fencing is excessive and will create a gap to the rear of Fielding Lane allotments which will attract fly tipping and anti-social behaviour.

They also state that the development would result in the loss of open space for the wider community.

Peter Britcliffe, leader of Hyndburn Borough Council, said: “It’s a won-derful project between the schools and it’s really needed because there are no changing facilities at all at the moment. The land has become neglected over a period of time, and this would see it transformed.”

The application is recommended for approval, due in the new year.