CONTROVERSIAL plans to install waiting restrictions outside a health centre, for emergency vehicles to get through safely, have been passed by councillors.

Cars parked on either side of Rochdale Road were making it difficult for ambulances, fire engines and police cars to reach 999 calls, the Lancashire Local Rossendale committee was told.

Problems have also occurred for the 464 Accrington to Rochdale bus, run by Rossendale Transport, which travels along the route.

But residents, angry at being penalised, protested that the hold-ups were mostly caused by patients at nearby Bacup Health Centre.

Highway chiefs hope the parking prohibition, from 8am to 6pm Mondays to Saturdays along a 50-metre stretch, will ease congestion along the main arterial road.

A Rochdale Road residents spokesman said: “The traffic problems on Rochdale Road are caused by staff and visitors to the medical centre.

“We question why the proposal is to limit parking on Saturday as well as weekdays since the centre is not usually open on Saturdays.

"The only exception to this is during October for flu jab clinics.”

Neigbours have asked for a residents-only parking scheme and questioned why the health centre had not been pulled up for lack of parking provisions.

The parking plans were drawn up following complaints by bor-ough and county councillors, the police and members of the public.

Highways spokesman Brenda Garside confirmed buses, HGVs and emergency vehicles had had problems on both sides of the carriageway, adding: “This occurs during the day time when traffic movements are greater and therefore coincides with the opening hours of the medical centre.”

The county highways department has said that any residents-only parking project would need to be discussed with Rossendale council officials.

Works totalling £1,200 will now take place on the road, using the eastern area highways budget, after the Lancashire Local committee gave restrictions the go-ahead.