I USUALLY agree with Nick Nunn and find his column more often than not gives a common sense viewpoint.

However, I feel I must write to correct what appears to be a misunderstanding in his article on December 2. Mr Nunn writes in praise of those who undertake voluntary work.

This is fair comment, but he says it is more laudable when done by people with no religious faith.

I write as a Christian, and to state that Christians only do voluntary, or charity work, or live their lives a certain way, because ‘you will be better looked upon by your God’ is quite wrong.

Unfortunately, some Christian leaders do encourage this way of thinking. But it is nevertheless still wrong.

Christianity is not a reward- based faith.

Christians undertake voluntary, or charity work, because of what God has already done for them through Jesus Christ, his death and resurrection.

If you refer to Chapter 2 of the book of Ephesians you will read: “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not for yourselves, it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no-one can boast.”!

FW BIRCH, Simonstone.