A MAN who pledged to fight false paedophile allegations ‘even if it killed him’ has died of a suspected heart attack.

Debbie Davies said a vile hate campaign was responsible for the death of husband Bryan.

She said: “Without a doubt, all that’s been going on is to blame.

"I feel that’s what has killed him.”

Now Mrs Davies has said she will make sure the funeral cortege goes past the houses of those she feels are responsible.

Mr Davies, 63, of Bradshaw Street West, Accrington, had recently moved with Debbie, 44, from nearby Emma Street after suffering months of abuse. Two young girls made allegations that they had been indecently touched by Mr Davies during the summer, but after police investigated the claims, they were quickly dismissed.

However, malicious rumours were spread around the estate and Mr Davies suffered vandalism, abuse and threats in the street from hate mobs.

Neighbourhood police officers even took the step of delivering leaflets to residents insisting the allegations were ‘false and without any foundation whatsoever’.

In October, after a holiday to escape the turmoil, Mr Davies demanded his accusers be prosecuted and prophetically told the Lancashire Telegraph the fight to clear his name could kill him.

He said: “I won’t give in. It’ll probably kill me, but I won’t run away with my tail between my legs.”

But the hate campaign continued and last week a brick smashed through the couple’s conservatory at their new home.

Just days later Mr Davies was rushed to hospital.

His devastated wife said: “I took him to Accrington Victoria Hospital with a kidney problem on Friday evening and went to get help to get him out of the car.

“But when I came back he was unconscious. Paramedics tried to revive him and called an ambulance which took him to Royal Blackburn Hospital, where he died.”

Mrs Davies, her husband’s full-time carer, said doctors had told her he suffered a massive heart attack.

She said: “He was just trying to clear his name. He had a stroke in August and as far as I’m concerned those kids and their families are responsible for killing Bryan. I totally, 100% believe that.

“The funeral cortege will go past their houses to show everyone what they have done.”

Paying tribute to her ‘big softie’ husband, Mrs Davies said: “He was just a man trying to stand up for himself and his family.

“He loved living life and lived it to the full, enjoying his fishing, camping. But our family life was being ruined by these allegations.

“He wrote a letter to the Chief Constable and we had someone visit us last week to say the girls won’t be prosecuted because social services are involved.”

Police confirmed they made ‘reassurance visits to Mr Davies’ house on November 29 and again on December 1.

A police spokesman said a decision had been made not to prosecute the girls because of their ages and instead officers had chosen to deal with them in a more informal manner with help of social services.

Inspector David Mangan, geographic inspector for Accrington, said: “Our neighbourhood policing teams have been working closely with Mr Davies and his wife throughout and every complaint has been taken very seriously.

“This is obviously a very sad time for Mr Davies’ family and we are continuing to provide support for them.”

Timeline to tragedy

Jun 09: Bryan and Debbie move into Emma Street, Accrington, from Bolton for a ‘better quality of life’.

Jul 09: Couple befriended by local children who ask to walk their dog. Bryan ‘doesn’t want to get on their wrong side’ so agrees. One girl asks to sleep over and is rebuffed.

Aug 09: Accusations made by two young girls that Mr Davies ‘flashed’ and ‘indecently touched’ them.

Mr Davies spoken to and he volunteers his home computers. Girls interviewed separately and stories don’t stack up. Allegations dismissed.

Mr Davies called ‘paedophile’ in the street. He suffers a stroke.

Sep 09: Hate mobs slash the couple’s trailer tent, let down their car tyres, smash their back gate and hurled foul insults and threats.

Police issue flyer telling residents ‘there is no suspected or known persons of concern living in this area’.

Oct 09: Mr and Mrs Davies return home after two weeks away, but abuse continues.

Nov 09: The couple move house to Bradshaw Street West, Accrington. Abuse follows them to new address, conservatory smashed by a brick. Mr Davies writes letter to Chief Constable demanding prosecution of his abusers.

Dec 09: Mr Davies contracts kidney problem. He suffers suspected heart attack and dies on December 4.