BRITISH Transport Police officers armed with electric stun guns have been deployed on the rail network in the North West for the first time.

The force announced three-month pilot schemes have been launched by officers patrolling the railway in Manchester as well as London and Cardiff.

In the past BTP officers called in armed officers from other forces to deal with incidents on their patch.

In London, 46 specially-trained officers from its response teams will patrol the Tube system and railway stations.

Until now only Metropolitan Police firearms units and some members of the Territorial Support Group (TSG) have been handed the weapon in the capital.

Assistant Chief Constable Alan Pacey said: “This pilot scheme will enable BTP to test how useful Tasers could be to our officers in ensuring the safety of passengers and staff on the rail network.

”We know from our Home Office counterparts that Tasers are another tactical option for officers in situations where they are facing violence or threats of violence of such severity that force may be needed.

”By equipping officers in response units, we are ensuring that this option is available when it is most likely to be needed.

”The success of the scheme will be reviewed at the end of the three-month pilot.”

The increased use of Taser weapons is likely to spark fresh controversy among campaigners who oppose their use.

Some fear a gradual roll-out of the devices will eventually see every police officer armed with a stun gun.

Last year the Home Office announced plans to arm forces in England and Wales with an extra 10,000 Tasers and to train around 30,000 officers in their use.

But several police forces raised concerns, including the Metropolitan Police and Sussex, who did not apply for more guns.