ROGUE motorists who mount the footpath near a busy Nelson crossroads are now set to be targeted by Lancashire Police.

Impatient drivers at the Manchester Road and Lomeshaye Road have been putting pedestrians at risk because they refuse to wait in queueing traffic.

Police have now pledged to examine the problem, which is affecting shoppers using the nearby laundrette, chip shop and foam shop in Manchester Road.

The main road is a single carriageway until the junction, where a right filter lane leads towards the Walverden and Clover Hill areas of the town.

Nicholas Emery, chairman of Nelson’s town centre forum, raised the issue at a Pendle council area committee meeting.

He said: "When there are a lot of cars turning right, over the bridge, this causes a tailback, especially in the evenings.

"And when there is a lot of queueing traffic, going towards Nelson town centre, drivers are mounting the pavement.

"Several people have told me that they have only just managed to get out of the way.

"Something needs to be done before there is an accident. Could we look at having bollards or railings fitted to prevent this from happening?"

Insp Paul Leigh, head of neighbourhood policing for Nelson, said that he would advise his officers to review the situation along Manchester Road.

"Certainly we have been aware that there have been problems with people parking outside the laundrette and the chip shop and we have tried to address that," he added.