BURNLEY’s tourist information centre looks set to move away from the bus station in a bid to improve its services.

Council bosses have unveiled plans to move the centre to the Mechanics and operate a joint box office and tourism centre.

The proposal comes after brand consultants conducted a review of the current set-up and found it to be “less than ideal”.

Their feedback said the centre, which is currently run alongside a bus information service, would need investment to make it a suitable showcase for the town.

The review of the facility was instigated after the council received a £16,000 grant from the North West Development Agency and the Lancashire and Blackpool Tourist Board to make improvements to the tourism centre.

A council spokesman said: “It became apparent that the current facility was less than ideal and would require more investment than £16,000 to make it a show case for Burnley.

"The current bus station location provides limited scope for displays and merchandising due to its joint function.”

Every year between 160,000 and 180,000 poeple have accessed the service but only 12 per cent of those were with tourism-related queries.

"The majority wanted information about bus services.

“The new location of the box office at the front of the theatre is ideal for a tourist information centre,” said the spokesman.

“It is also on a key gateway to the town. The scheme will also complement other investments in the theatre, will bring increased footfall, greater opportunities for cross-selling and longer box office opening times.” Further funding for the £50,000 project will come from the council’s tourism budget and the Burnley branding project.