AN arts project by East Lancs pupils will tour Hyndburn following its launch by ‘Apprentice’ finalist Alex Wotherspoon.

The series-four finalist from Bolton gave children at The Hollins Technology College, Accrington, a boost when he attended the official launch on Thursday in Quattros restaurant in the town centre.

The Cohesion through Creativity project was the brainchild of the school’s extended services boss, Waqar Ahmed, who wanted to encourage youngsters to work together to make positive contributions in the community.

Pupils created storyboards around six themes: aspirations, friendship, transition, family, community, and the world.

They recorded a vox pop about each theme which will be displayed alongside the artworks.

And following the creation of the six pieces of art, Mr Ahmed is in the process of securing venues around the borough to display the work.

So far The Globe Centre, Accrington, has agreed and the school is in talks with organisations such as Hynd-burn’s libraries and Accr-ington Town Hall to display the results.

The tour would end with a permanant exhibition in the Hollins Lane school.

The project was carried out in conjunction with Cool Canvas Hyndburn Commun-ity Network, Young People Service, Hyndburn Family Intervention Team and Burnley College Head girl Iram Akhtar, 15, said: “It is about differences that have an impact on our lives.

“The aim was to bring different people together to allow them to express their feelings.

“This is important because it gives us young people a voice and gives us a chance to make a positive contrib-ution to the community and we don’t often get a chance to do that.”