A DARWEN masters student has helped revitalise a major high street brand while on his first work placement.

Ric Roberts, of Marsh House Lane, has been working with the chief executive of Max Spielmann to bring the photography company into tune with the new digital world.

The 26-year-old was on an 11-week placement with the Manchester Masters graduate programme, when he was tasked with creating a marketing programme for the brand, which is part of the Timpson group.

The former Manchester University student was asked to look into changes in consumer behaviour and advances in digital technology.

Ric also conducted market research and, using the findings, helped develop a new pricing structure for Max Spielmann.

He said: “From the start of my placement at Timpson I was fully welcomed into the organisation and made to feel my input was really valued.

“I was also given a project that would enable me to make a tangible difference to the company and, in turn, gain invaluable industry experience.” David Edwards, of Max Spielmann, said: “During his time at Max Spielmann, Ric made a truly positive impact on our business and was instrumental in helping us revitalise one of the North West’s most loved companies.

“Using Ric’s ideas and enthusiasm, we’ve been able to create a robust marketing strategy for Max Spielmann that will help the brand grow and develop.”

Ric gained his place on the Manchester Masters programme after completing a rigorous application process which required him to attend a two-day assessment centre and upload a short YouTube video showing why he was an ideal candidate for the initiative.

The Manchester Masters programme takes on students in their last year of undergraduate studies from all universities in Greater Manchester.