A ROSSENDALE schoolgirl wrote to the police in an attempt to stop parents parking on zig-zag lines.

Haslingden Primary pu-pil Storme Rebanks feared for the safety of pupils crossing the road after motorists abused the des-ignated spaces.

Police visited the school after reading Storme’s letter, which asked for help in making the area safe for children.

Rebecca Cunliffe, the school’s business manager, said: “We fully support Storme in her quest to get parents to park sensibly.

“Her letter to the police was lovely and she actually went outside with the officers to reason with the parents.

“The truth is that words coming from a child are more powerful than one of us going out there to speak with the parents.

“I am also very happy with the restorative just-ice approach.”

The police team joined several students to speak with parents and carers before handing out five restorative justice forms outlining the offence and giving the offender a chance to acknowledge the violation.

Storme, 11, also received backing from county council officials who issued a stark warning to parents to park properly.

A County Hall spokesperson said: “The lines are there for safety purposes, not to inconvenience people.

"For the sake of parking 10 yards away, parents really need to keep the area free.

“The lines outside Haslingden Primary School are enforceable areas, meaning that if parents do park on them, they can receive charges.

“It’s a matter of the safety of children and it must be taken very seriously.”