A MAN who repeatedly raped a girl and also sexually assaulted her friend has been jailed for 11-and-a half years.

Burnley Crown Court heard how the rape victim later told police she felt she had been destroyed by what had happened to her at the hands of Wayne Lee Ashton, and had been left with no confidence or self esteem.

Ashton, 22, and said to come from a dysfunctional family background, had been convicted by a jury of rape, two charges of raping a girl under 13, two allegations of sexual assault on a girl under 12 and two counts of sexual activity with a child.

The hearing was told he still maintained his innocence.

Ashton, from Burnley but of no fixed address, was placed on the sex offenders’ register for life and from working with children for life, and a sexual offences prevention order may be imposed towards the end of his sentence.

Judge Simon Newell told Ashton, who he said had very limited previous convictions, that he had seen evidence that his upbringing and education left a lot to be desired through no fault of his own.

He said while the offences were “desperately unpleasant and nasty” they were not accompanied by any violence or overt threats.

Judge Newell added of the rape victim had been forced to go through the ordeal of a trial.

Fiorella Brereton, prosecuting, said the girl told a friend and member of staff at her school what had happened.

Miss Brereton said Ashton was arrested and interviewed and denied any sexual activity with either of the girls. He had no previous convictions for sexual offences.

She added that after the offences the rape victim had problems at school and self-harmed, which she would say was to take her mind off what had been happening.

Charlotte Holland, defending, said he denied the offences.

The defendant, who had never been to custody before, had spent 45 days on remand and he had not deliberately acted as a predator towards the rape victim.

She added: “These are dreadful offences of course but no violence was used.”