A ROW has broken out over plans that could see homes built on greenbelt land in Darwen.

Blackburn with Darwen Council has issued a long-term development plan, called the Core Strategy Publication Report, which states that certain greenbelt areas may be considered for building to meet future development needs.

Labour town councillor Dave Smith said he was ‘very concerned’ to see that fields around the former Moorland School in Holden Fold were being considered as a potential site of new executive homes in the document.

Coun Smith said: “This is an important plan for development in the borough for the next 20 or so years, and there is no way the greenbelt land should be encroached upon. It is sacrosanct.

“The school building itself is not on greenbelt land, but the fields are, and we cannot lose them for executive housing.

“It is important that people know about these plans, because if they don’t oppose them, the greenbelt will be lost.”

Darwen MP Janet Anderson has also objected to the proposal. She said: “There is plenty of other land in Darwen that can be put to good use without building on greenbelt.

“Hindle Street near where I live is a prime example of an area where houses could be built, and there are a lot of empty houses elsewhere that could be sold first.

“Darwen is a green market town and we should be looking to protect that image.”

Coun Salim Lorgat, executive member for housing at Blackburn with Darwen Council, declined to comment.

The Blackburn with Darwen Core Strategy Publication Report is currently under consultation and can be viewed online at www.blackburn.gov.uk or in the borough's town halls and libraries.

Objections to the plans have to be in to the council by Monday, December 21.

To obtain an objection form from Coun Smith, call 01254 704201.