TRAVELLING criminals have been paid a home visit by police from Lancashire and Greater Manchester in a cross-border crime initiative.

The operation involves officers from Darwen and Bolton working together to identify and share details on potential offenders.

Automatic number plate recognition cameras will be used by patrols to spot stolen vehicles and target back road ‘escape routes’ between the two counties used by burglars and car thieves.

Inspector for Darwen Wendy Bower said: “Cross-border crime is an issue for all forces and one we are working hard to tackle.

"By working closely with Greater Manchester Police to robustly target offenders, we are denying criminals the use of our roads.

“My message to travelling criminals is that you are not welcome in Lancashire and if you come here to commit crime, you will be targeted and you may end up with a lengthy prison sentence.”

Insp Mark Peary from the Bolton East policing team said: “Officers from both forces have been carrying out joint visits to offenders’ homes in the area over the past few weeks and we will be increasing our activity on this operation in December.

“Potential criminals will be reminded that they are being watched, and if they step out of line we will have no hesitation in locking them up over Christmas.”

The team is already seeing success after an operation last month resulted in six arrests.

Anyone with any information or is concerned about crime, can contact police on 0845 1 25 35 45 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.