Repairs in a Nelson street have left shop-keepers without their Christmas lights.

Traders had warned county bosses that replac-ing a lamp in Cross Street would cause problems with the supply to fairy lights along part of Market Square.

But the street lamp was cordoned off earlier this week and now several shops opposite the town’s library are without their Christmas display.

Nicholas Emery, chair-man of the town centre partnership, who runs an electrical shop in Market Square, said: “The fairy lights were connected to the street lamp outside the delicatessen on Cross Street. Now apparently Lancashire County Coun-cil have taken it upon themselves to change the lamp. Now they are waiting for United Utilities to reconnect the lamp.

“We are told that this could be in the New Year and I am looking for someone to do something about it while there is still time.”

He told a meeting of Pendle Council’s Nelson and district committee that the problem was not the first experienced by Mark-et Square and Cross Street traders with festive illuminations.

Mr Emery said: “It is reminiscent of two years ago when all the traders contributed to a string of fairy lights in Market Square.

“The following year, the council took it upon itself to chop down all the trees in November.

Committee chairman Coun George Adam said: “We need to have a word with the county council and get something done about this.” Jacqueline Walsh, a senior engineer at County Hall, said: “Power was disconnected on a number of lighting colum-ns in Cross Street in October because Pendle Council wanted to upgrade lighting.

“The council have now decided not to go ahead with this, and we have asked United Utilities to reconnect the street lighting.

“We hope power will be restored in the next few days, and we will then provide a temporary power source for the festive lights.”