TWO friends who quit smoking together are the faces of a new campaign to help others kick the habit.

NHS East Lancashire’s Stop Smoking Service said everybody needs their own approach to giving up smoking, whether it is going ‘cold turkey’, using quitting aids, group support or one-to-one help.

Its Your Way campaign is being fronted by Zoe Cooper and Tina Stacey, friends who stubbed out in their own way with help from the service.

Zoe, 49, started smoking at the age of 14. By 18 she was smoking 20 cigarettes a day.

She remained smoke-free for 13 years after marrying again at 32 but she relapsed when her second marriage broke down.

She said: “I fell ill, so I had to take time out from work. Things came to a head, so I lit up.

“I thought it would be a one-off, but I was back to square one, smoking 20 a day.”

Tina, 57, had smoked since the age of 15, developing a 20-a-day habit and health problems.

She said: “I developed problems with my sinuses. I had difficulty breathing and a terrible cough.”

A full-time carer for her husband, Derek, Tina tried to quit, but going ‘cold turkey’ without support didn’t work.

However, when the pair, both of Accrington, met at a puppy training class, things changed.

Tina said: “We began walking our dogs together. But we’d find we quickly got out of breath. We desperately wanted to quit but we needed professional support.”

They discovered different ways to quit at Stop Smoking Service group sessions held at Accrington Victoria Hospital.

They have now been smoke-free since September and can take long walks up Pendle Hill without needing a break. Zoe said: “I like the idea of people hearing our story and thinking, if she can do it, so can I.”

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