A MAN has been sent-enced to four years behind bars after raping a woman at a social club in Pendle.

Gary Parkinson, 48, of Weets View, Barnoldswick, attacked the woman during a night time incident at the club in Earby in June, Burnley Crown Court heard.

Police yesterday said the victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons, had been through a “terrible ordeal” but was now trying to move on with her life.

Detective Inspector Jim Elston, from Pennine Division’s Public Protection Unit, said he welcomed the four year sentence.

He said: “Parkinson put his victim through a terrible ordeal on that night so we are pleased that he will now serve a term of imprisonment.

“Nothing can change what happened but at least Parkinson’s victim, who police have supported throughout the investigation, will know that justice has been done and that her attacker will serve a significant sentence for what he put her through.”

DI Elston said the sentence was particularly timely as this week is national rape awareness week. He said: “Parkinson’s sentencing coincides with a national rape awareness week and as such, provides a fitting example of how seriously the police and courts take sexual offences.

“Rape can have a devastating impact not just on its victims, but their families and the wider community.

"It is important that offenders know all allegations of rape are investigated with vigour and where appropriate, people are put behind bars for a significant period of time.”