A REMOTE farm and stables were hit by arsonists in Rishton on Monday night.

Two outbuildings and a caravan, being used for storage, were destroyed at Lower Norden Stables, in Lee Lane.

Four appliances responded to several calls from local residents, who could see the flames and smoke from the surrounding area.

It took firefighters using two jets 90 minutes to bring the blaze under control and they had to cool down gas cylinders supplying propane to the caravan.

Accrington watch manager Alistair McLean said the owners were ‘very upset’ as they were part way through a building project.

Mr McLean said: “We are treating it as suspicious and are investigating the fire with police because there were signs of forced entry.

“The buildings were being used as storage for livery and other bits and pieces.

"There are eight or nine horses on site, but they were safe in the stables.

“It was well alight by the time we arrived and as it was quite some distance from a water supply, we had to use the canal.

“The gas cylinders were a safety issue for the firefighters and the livestock.

"The owners are creating an events arena, but now face a lot of work.

“It’s a mess and will take them a while to get back on their feet.”