A SURVEY into shopping in Darwen has revealed that 85 per cent are satisfied with the services provided.

Lib Dem Marsh House councillor Simon Huggill, who was behind the survey, said he had carried out similar reviews in previous years to compare how numbers had changed and to see what needed improving.

The survey counted how many people went into the market on a variety of days in November, and asked for views on shopping in the town.

Coun Huggill said: “The survey was very positive. It showed that 85 per cent of people were satisfied and that people were happy with the selection of shops and amount of car parking available.

"The main market is now full with shops and the three-day market is starting to fill up again.

"What came out of the survey was that people really want to see the bus services improved and want more shoe shops in the town.”

Denise Gee, president of Darwen Chamber of Trade, said she still felt more could be done to ensure long- running trade increased.

She said: “I think that the town still lacks some crucial aspects, and although the market has filled up we could do with more shops coming into the town.

"There has been a rise in the run-up to Christmas, but what worries me is what happens afterwards.

“The major problem is still the bus cuts. Since they happened there was a noticeable drop in footfall.

“Elderly are having to cut their shopping trips down because of lack of time, or are relying on shopping with their families who take them to the supermarket and not to our local shops.”