PLANS for a protest march against the persecution of Christians in Pakistan have generated mixed responses from religious leaders in East Lancashire.

The march on December 19, led by the British Pakistani Christian Association, is being supported by Reverend Kevin Logan, the former vicar at Christchurch in Accrington, in his Saturday Sermon column in the Lancashire Telegraph.

And Salim Mulla, the chairman of the Lancashire Council of Mosques, condemned atrocities against ethnic minorities and backed the protest.

He said: “It is shocking and not acceptable because everybody has the basic human right to live peacefully whether they are Hindu, Muslim, Sikh or Christian.

“And I will support any action that is taken against persecution.”

But Canon Chris Chivers, of Blackburn Cathedral, questioned the impact of marches on community relations in Britain.

He said: “There are other ways of addressing these problems like getting in touch with the church leaders in Pakistan and asking them what we can do to help.

“Marches tend to inflame tensions in our own communities and can become ideal propaganda material for parties like the BNP.”