A MAN was found dead in a Blackburn side street six-and-a-half hours after collapsing from hypothermia.

Kevin Hawkins, 49, went out for the night wearing just a T-shirt and jeans, despite temperatures coming close to freezing, according to police.

Detectives said CCTV footage showed Mr Hawkins ‘staggering and swaying’ in Vauxhall Street, off Redlam, at 1.15am on Sunday.

At 7.45am, he was found dead between two cars by a passer-by.

The discovery prompted the launch of a major police inquiry as Mr Hawkins had injuries that could have been caused by either an assault, or a fall.

The street was cordoned off by police tape, while crime scene investigators and a private ambulance were called.

At around 11am, Mr Hawkin’s body was removed from between a dark grey Vauxhall Meriva and a silver Vauxhall Corsa.

Broomfield Place, which is joined to the rear of Vauxhall Street, was also sealed off at about 11.30am after the two cars had been taken away on low-loaders for forensic inspection.

A post-mortem examination was conducted on Mr Hawkins yesterday afternoon.

Last night it was revealed these tests found he had died from hypothermia.

Detective Inspector Claire Holbrook confirmed there were no suspicious circumstances.

She said: "It is a very sad end to his life."

Police said Mr Hawkins had lived in many local hostels.

It is not known why he was in the Vauxhall Street area.

Residents of Broomfield Place and Preston Old Road had gathered around the tape trying to get to their cars and to find out what was happening.

One elderly man said: “It’s very frightening living around here at the moment.

“When I first came to live around here 13 or 14 years ago, it was completely different.”

But another man said: “It’s normally quite quiet round here.

"This is very shocking for the local community.”