A WIND farm above Burnley could be set to double in size after plans for three extra turbines were announced.

RWE npower renewables is exploring the possibility of installing the additional three turbines at Hameldon Hill Wind Farm.

If the scheme is implemented, the six large white turbines will be visible from the M65 and some of the main gateways into Burnley.

However, before plans for the extended wind farm are sub-mitted to Burnley Council, residents will be consulted on the proposals.

The existing three turbines were erected in 2007 and produce enough electricity to meet the annual needs of around 3,000 UK households.

According to Steve Milburn, development manager for RWE npower renewables, the company is investigating the feasi-bility of the scheme.

He said: “We are currently assessing the site to see if it has the capacity for three additional wind turbines.

"As we already have turbines at Hameldon Hill, we know that this is a suitable location for a wind farm and the extra turbines would increase the amount of electricity generated, as well as the wind farm’s contribution to UK renewable energy targets.”

The company is holding an Information Evening at Padiham Town Council offices on Thursday, November 19 to provide details about its plans.

Mr Milburn said: “We invite anyone who would like more information about the project to visit us at Padiham Town Hall, and talk to RWE npower renewables staff who will be on hand to answer questions.”

Anyone interested in the project should go to the Community Room, at the town hall, in Burnley Road, between 4pm and 8pm.

For more information go to www.npower-renewables.com/ hameldonhill