A POLICE crackdown has been launched on the illegal use of vehicles on a popular recreation ground.

Officers said that mini-motos are being driven over the Queen Street Recreation Ground, in Briercliffe, Burnley, causing damage to the sports pitches.

Warning posters have now been put up in the area and police said they will be increasing patrols to catch those responsible.

The police are also appealing for witnesses to an incident on April 12, between 3pm and 4pm, where two teenage boys caused damage by riding a coloured motocross bike across the pitch.

Police Community Support Officer Rachel Lonsdale, said: “Anti-social and illegal use of mini-motos, quads, peds and trials bikes will not be tolerated.

“They are clearly causing damage to the local community.

“I want to warn riders that unless they are on private land with the owner’s permission, or on an official track or circuit of some kind, then they are probably acting illegally and could well risk losing their bikes.”

Liberal Democrat Coun Roger Frost said: “It is a great facility and we don’t want vehicles on the pitch.

“If you have vehicles on them they just wreck the surface. Our intention is to preserve it for sportsmen and women.”

The issue was brought up in the parish council meeting and the Police and Community Together meeting last month.

If anyone has information about rogue riders in the area they should contact PC Alison Alexander on 07984 316855, PCSO Rachel Lonsdale on 07984 316821, or 01282 472107.