THE majority of GP practices in East Lancashire have taken on extended opening hours under a government scheme, it has been revealed.

It has been introduced in phases over recent months after national surveys revealed patients wanted greater access to their GP.

Some 69 per cent of larger surgeries in Hyndburn, Pendle, Burnley, Rossendale and Ribble Valley have taken up the extendable hours scheme, according to NHS East Lancashire.

This exceeds the Goverment’s aim of more than half of larger sugeries in the area offering the service, which is provided by NHS East Lancashire.

Dr Swamy Narayana represents local clinicians on NHS East Lancashire’s Profess-ional Executive Committee, said many patients in East Lancashire had welcomed the extra hours, and were pleased with the new service. Even though patients were happy to see their GP in day-time hours, the Government felt working people and commuters would like to be able to see their GP in the early morning, evening or Saturday mornings.

Dr Narayana said: “There has been a good uptake in general. The main type of patients coming to the aditional hours are those who might otherwise have had to take time off their working day and lose money.

“People using the service have told me that they are pleased that it has been offered to them.”

Local GP practices have a choice on whether they take up the extended hours or stay as they are.

However Dr Narayana has warned against all single-handed practices taking up the scheme, claiming it would be unrealistic for one person to handle the increased work load.

Health Minister, Ben Bradshaw, said: “ Flexible and convenient opening hours provide millions more appoint-ments and make it much easier for patients to see a GP.

“Thanks to the hard work of GPs and the local NHS we have acheived our challenging target ahead of schedule.

“And this is fantastic news for patients.”