A GROUP of residents is requesting major road works near their homes in a bid to ‘save lives'.

The Carr Road Residents Group, believe a one way system, extra traffic lights, puffin crossings, pelican crossings and a lollipop person, will make the area safer for pedestrians and motorists around Carr Road, Skipton Road, Langroyd Road and Regent Avenue, in Colne.

In addition the group has suggested a parking scheme, which would involve the creation of six bays on land belonging to Housing Pendle. And it is also asking for repairs to roads and pavements as well as more extensive street lighting.

While councillors are backing the group’s campaign, they estimate the proposed changes will cost £250,000, which may be hard to obtain.

The group would like traffic lights at the junction of Skipton Road, Castle Road and Regent Avenue, which members believe will result in slower speeds.

It is also requesting puffin crossings within the traffic lights system to improve safety for pedestrians.

And it wants a one way system to be introduced in Carr Road to alleviate traffic ‘pulling out.’ David Sharples, on behalf of the group, described the area as an ‘accident black spot’ and said the proposed changes will reduce the number of collisions, fatalities and injuries.

He believes a pelican crossing on Langroyd Road and a lollipop person in Birtwistle Avenue, would ‘greatly enhance safety’ for children walking to and from school and disabled people travelling on foot to the shopping complex, in Glenroy Avenue.

Mr Sharples said: “It might cost £250,000, but what price can you put on people’s lives? It comes down to cost versus life.”

Coun Tony Greaves, hailed the residents efforts to improve road safety as ‘fantastic,’ but said they would have to be ‘patient’ in getting results. He added: “I think in total it will cost £250,000 or maybe more, so it won’t happen tomorrow.The puffin crossings cost £60,000 to £70,000 each.

“I think what the residents are doing is brilliant, but what they are asking for could take years rather than months. Some of it is very feasible, but I have told them they’ll have to be patient.”

The group will present its petition to the Colne and District Area Committee on January 4.