THIEVES have resorted to a new destructive way to steal valuables from cars in Rossendale, police said.

Criminals in Bacup have been using levers to force open the doors of parked cars to steal the valuables inside.

The technique of “bending” the doors off cars, rather than smashing windows, has been branded a “worrying trend” in the area.

PC Simon Butterworth said: “It is very important for people to remember to remove anything of worth from their car when it is stationary.

“Some of the vehicles have been written off as a result of the damage caused.”

Police believe that some offenders are passing on tips for breaking in which may be increasing the number of incidents.

PC Butterworth said vandals are bending doors open with a lever, to create enough space to force a gap large enough to reach whatever is inside.

County councillor Sean Serridge said: “Mindless vandalism like this does absolutley nothing for the image of the town.

"I urge people to contact the local police or Crimestoppers if they have information.”

Call Rossendale police on 01706 237471.