OLYMPIC hero Steven Burke has been asked to switch on the Christmas lights in his home town.

Colne Town Council has been awarded £4,850 to pay for the switch-on event as well as a range of other weekend activities.

The four-figure sum, requested by Mary Thomas on behalf of the town council, was approved by the Colne and District Committee this week.

Councillors said they were 'happy' to support the bid to sprinkle the town with some Christmas magic.

As well as inviting the Olympic bronze medal-winning cyclist, who is from Colne, to switch on the Christmas lights, officials will arrange for performances by artists and bands on the same evening.

And they also plan to have activities, including face-painting, and donkey rides.

In addition, they intend to use the funding to pay for entertainment on three or four Saturdays leading up to Christmas day.

In its bid for funding, which was submitted to the Colne and District Committee, the town council stated that the aim of the scheme is to 'bring together' the town's community.

It said: "The event is intended to show the community of Colne some of the young people from their area who have achieved in their chosen field.

"Steven Burke has been invited to switch on the lights and various entertaining groups to demonstrate the benefits of getting together, enjoying what you do and gaining skills and motivation from these activities."

Town Council representatives confirmed they have invited local schools to perform and church clergy to conduct carol services as well as planning art workshops, donkey rides and other entertainment.

Coun Mike Calvert said: "I'm happy to support this bid and at what is a time of desperate misery for many people, I think it would be a good gesture to show them the difference being made locally.

"Some may think it's an extravagance we can't afford, but as it's a one-off to hail the success of an Olympic cyclist.

"I think it's something we shouldn't ignore."