AN adventure playground could be coming to a community in Burnley as part of a £2million play scheme.

Play development leaders from Lancashire County Council are making a bid to Whitehall for funding under the Government’s Play Fair scheme.

And Burnley council leisure bosses say County Hall is supportive, as part of the initiative, of plans to build an all-purpose outdoor and indoor adventure haven on Hargher Clough Recreation Ground.

The project could feature everything from all-action play equipment, to hang-out shelters and the chance for youngsters to get their hands dirty in water, sand and mud features.

The site would also have an indoor area for basic cookery.

In a report to the council’s executive, parks manager Ian Sturzaker wrote: “This type of facility could bring significant benefits both for the young people of the area as well as the (rest of the town), helping to tackle some of the significant challenges facing the south west Burnley community.”

Proposals to upgrade or replace play areas in four other areas of Burnley, costing £91,435, are also set to be approved. Blueprints for a community park on Disreali Street had been suggested to residents in Queensgate and Daneshouse – but they preferred to see they Barden Lane play area improved, calling for better measures to deter cars from using the site and the replacement of “worn-out” play equipment.

Three options have been outlined for the Casterton Avenue area following the proposed closure of the Brent Street playground. Talks will take place with housing agency Calico over the possibility of siting alternative provisions in Shannon Square or Humber Square.

If this idea fails then the existing recreation ground in Underley Street will be revamped.

In Rosehill the play area on Creswick Avenue will be closed but the ball games area will stay. Goal ends may be provided there and old equipment at Rosehill Gardens is set to be overhauled.

Another £17,625 will be spent on the play area at Clifton Farm in Ightenhill.