RADICAL safety improvements are to be made to the A56 before the end of the year.

The Highways Agency is to provide a £50,000 safety package after meeting with Lancashire Police and Lancashire County Council to discuss the number of accidents on the stretch of road that links the M66 with the M65.

Just last week there was an eight car pile up on the Edenfield bypass section of the road and in May former soldier Michael Hoggins, 22, died after crashing into the central reservation near the Haslingden turn-off.

Amy Williams, Highways Agency route performance manager, said: “We have worked very closely with Lancashire Police and Lancashire County Council over this major programme of safety measures for the A56.

“We feel this package of measures will meet our objective of improving the safety of road users in the area while helping to keep drivers safely on the move.”

The package of measures includes a new 2.2km, 50mph speed restriction through the Bent Gate Junction, a new 1.1km, 50mph restriction around the Winfield’s Roundabout near Rising Bridge and a ban on U-turns at the Sandy Lane and Higher Hey junctions.

The Highways Agency and the county council have logged many complaints by members of the public who have played a major part in the recent developments.

Mrs Williams added: “We have responded to public concern about the idea of a blanket 50mph speed restriction across the route.

“Drivers can make their own contribution to safety in the area by sticking to the speed limits and other restrictions”

Similar targeted measures are to be implemented at the A556 link road between the M56 and M6 in the Cheshire region.