A DARWEN fundraising campaign has been swelled by £5,000 after an actor sold a piece of his James Bond memorabilia.

Jack Marsden, who has starred in TV shows ‘Heatbeat’ and ‘Cops’, put his replica Heckler and Coch 32 machine gun which was used by Pierce Brosnan in the film Die Another Day, up for auction.

This was to support the Darwen Chamber of Trade’s efforts to raise money for the Five Star Scanner Appeal at the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital.

The traders were spurred into action by toddler Madison Allan, from Lower Darwen, who was diagnosed with a tumour on her back.

The gun was sold in a silent auction to corporate financier George Alexander.

“I’m sad to see it go - it’s a little part of my Bond family - and the auctioneer on the day said that he had never seen such an impressive item.

“But I’m pleased that it’s gone to such a big Bond fan and I have supported such a worthy cause.”