THE DEATH-knell has finally been sounded for the controversial Parkwise enforcement scheme.

Talks between Lancashire County Council and 12 districts on how to issue parking tickets for car parks and highways in coming years have been abandoned. County Hall bosses had been hopeful of reaching an agreement, but by last Friday's deadline, just two districts had agreed to continue the arrangement when the current contract expires in September 2009.

The news means Lanc-ashire County Council, which is responsible for roads, will put its part of the service out to tender, and districts will be told to go it alone and look after their off-street car parks.

Councils could not agree on tough financial targets set for each district, set in an attempt to reduce the hefty overheads that have dogged the current partnership.

County Councillor Matthew Tomlinson, cabinet member for sustainable development, said districts would be offered the chance to buy into the county's scheme for a fixed fee.

But where this is refused, there will be two sets of wardens handing out tickets across the county except for Blackburn with Darwen and Blackpool, which are independent.

Coun Tomlinson said: "It is disappointing. Our officers have been working incredibly hard to make this work.

“But where you are working with 12 different agendas finding common ground is always going to be fraught with difficulties".

It was too early to say whether the Parkwise name would still be used, he added.