A NIGHTCLUBBER who glassed another man in an early hours row over a girl left his victim with a severed artery and a six-inch gash on his head.

Burnley Crown Court heard how Andrew Alderson had suffered continual headaches and could not start a new job after the attack by Eli Ward at Rhythm Station in Rawtenstall.

Mr Alderson suffered severe arterial bleeding and one of his vessels needed tying off at Fairfield Hospital, Bury. Ward, who has no previous convictions, hit the victim in the face and claimed he had reacted in self-defence.

He claimed he had gone to hit him forgetting he had the glass in his hand.

Ward told police he had not been looking for trouble, but felt the victim was trying to provoke him into a fight.

Ward, of Manchester Road, Haslingden, admitted wounding and was given nine months in prison, suspended for 18 months, and must pay £1,000 compensation.

Recorder Michael Blakey told him he accepted there was an element of provocation, but there was no justification for the attack.