THIEVES posing as authorised collectors are stealing bags of clothes destined for poverty-stricken families in the Third World from outside homes in Pendle.

Pendle Council bosses said they had received a number of reports of people in vehicles stealing the red sacks, containing unwanted garments and textiles from outside properties in Nelson and Sough.

The clothes are supposed to be collected by authorised contractors on behalf of the council before being sorted and sent to UK charities, Third World countries or shredded and used for filling car seats.

Following the recent spate of thefts, police and council chiefs are now warning residents to be on their guard and to report any unusual activity. According to council officials, reports from residents indicate that the offenders are posing as the contractor which collects the bags on behalf of the local authority and making off in a van.

John David, leader of Pendle Council responsible for operational services, said: “Having checked with Cohen’s, the contractor who collects the textiles for us, we know that it’s definitely not one of their vans. All Cohen’s vans are white with a green logo.

“Local people are putting their unwanted clothes out for collection in good faith, thinking they will be recycled or helping charity. I want to reassure them that we are doing what we can to stop these bogus collections happening.

“Taking these textiles is theft. Anyone we find stealing them will be reported to the police, and will have to face the consequences.”

Council officials said they received four separate reports of the bags being stolen by different vehicles last week. Sgt Mark Baines, of Nelson Police, said: “Traditionally it is a national problem and has been for a long time.

“They either make their own bags and pose as a charity or they find out when the collections will be taking place and swipe the bags.

“If people want to put old clothes out for collection there is a risk of someone else taking them.

“If it is a decent charity they will make arrange-ments to come and collect any particularly valuable items in person.”

Anyone who sees an unauthorised van taking bags of clothes should make a note of the registration number and report it to the council on 01282 661743.