A THUG who smashed a large bottle over a friend’s head as she slept, six days after he was released from jail, is behind bars for another two-and-a-half years.

Aaron Heywood, 23, was described as a “dangerous man” by a judge.

Judge Simon Newell , who slammed the defendant's conduct as “nasty and bizarre”, said victim Louise Pickford could have been killed when Heywood attacked her after he took part in a drink and drugs session.

He said: “Ordinary members of the public have to be protected from outbursts of violence like this.”

Heywood, from Burnley, but of no fixed address, admitted wounding.

In April last year he was jailed for 14 month, with 22 months extended licence after threatening his former partner with a breadknife.

He has 15 previous convictions, including one for wounding.

Sarah Statham, prosecuting, told the court on April 23, the victim was with friends and the defendant at a house in Cleaver Street, Burnley.

At 2pm the next day Miss Pickford decided to have a nap on the settee.

She said Heywood held a one-litre alcohol bottle by the neck, tapped her three times on the head with it and then asked the group: “Do you want me to whack her with this bottle?”

He was said to have a “weird look” in his eyes as he suddenly hit Miss Pickford, smashing the bottle.

She suffered a laceration to her head and cut knees.

The defendant was chased away and was arrested nearby soon after.

Miss Pickford had treatment and a tetanus jab at hospital.

Michael Murray, defending, said at the time of the latest offence he was living a “drug and alcohol infected,” life but he was now doing everything he could to rectify that.

The barrister continued: “It comes against a background of abject neglect.

"It is quite astonishing the deprivation he had as a child.

"That's not his fault but many would say the way he behaves now is his fault.”