A MEMORIAL to those who made the supreme sacrifice in the Great War and Second World War has been given a new lease of life.

Servicemen from the Burnley area who lost their lives in combat are commemorated on the monument in Towneley Park.

Now in time for Remembrance Sunday 2008, the memorial has undergone major restoration.

Park bosses secured £11,300 from the War Memorials Trust for the project, which forms part of Towneley’s £3.2million regeneration.

The reflective pond in front of the memorial has been restored and the stonework cleaned, and the paving around it will be re-laid to improve access.

First unveiled in 1926, the memorial incorporates three male figures and is designed to represent the navy, army and air force.

Funding for the original came via a £5,000 donation from Caleb Thorber, a former mayor of Burnley.

Annette Birch, Towneley Park Project manager, said: “The memorial is important to the park, reminding us of our heritage and the men who gave their lives, and it was important that we honour this with the restoration work.”