FUNDRAISERS are trying to send seven children whose mum died from breast cancer to EuroDisney for Christmas.

Relatives of Blackburn woman Charmaine Gent, who died aged 34, are appealing urgently for help as they try to help her children, aged between 18 and three.

The children have never been away together before, and are spending less time together than ever. The family has had to split up since Charmaine’s death, and only get together for sleep-overs on Fridays.

Before Charmaine’s death a few weeks ago, she had arranged for Cole, four, Brydon, three, and Nathan, 16 to be cared for by 18-year-old Simone and for Mitchell, 12, Marshall, eight, and Mason, six, to live with their dad.

Charmaine’s cousin, Kelly Barlow, 31 from Great Harwood, said the children would find it hard to be at home over Christmas without Charmaine.

So far she has been given a donation of £300 from Accrington Lions and has managed to sign up 10 people to a fundraising walk, creating £200 in sponsorship, but she needs more help to succeed.

She said: “I am a mother myself and the idea of leaving my child is unthinkable. It’s heartbreaking. The little ones have no idea what’s going on, and the older ones are feeling the strain. Simone is looking after the two youngest as her mum had asked and it’s a big change for her. We just want to put a smile on all their faces. It would only be a three-day break and they so deserve it. They’re so humble, they don’t expect anything from anyone.

“The Christmas parades at EuroDisney would be just what they need.

“If this is not a worthy cause, then I don’t now what is. We are also so grateful to the Lions for their kind donation.”

So far Kelly has raised £500 but she needs £4,000 to send the seven children plus a supervising adult to EuroDisney.

Kelly, who runs catering business Kelly’s Kitchen, based at Great Harwood Golf Club has also pledged to use any profits from her bonfire night catering at the club towards the trip.

The fundraising walk in aid of the Eurodisney trip takes place on Sunday November 16 at 11am at St Bartholomew’s Church, Harwood Lane, Great Harwood.

To make a donation, join in the sponsored walk or contact Kelly, call 07809617544.

The bonfire at Great Harwood Golf Club takes place today at 7pm with profits from food sold to go towards the trip.