THE revamp of Darwen Town Hall has been delayed until after Christmas.

The first part of the work - to move the toilets from the front of the hall to the annexe and to fit them with baby changing facilites - was to be the first step in a £250,000 regeneration of the market building.

It was due to be completed in time for the festive period.

But council chiefs say the work has been delayed so it does not interfere with the Christmas activites planned for the market square.

Coalition councillor Simon Huggill said: “Work was meant to finish on November 17 prior to the Christmas lights switch-on and the Christmas trade, but I understand that the planning department weren’t given the plans until five weeks ago and the cubicles have an eight-week wait on them.

“It’s just another example of how we seem to get the rotten end of the way the council treats us in the borough.

“It’s an ongoing saga that Darwen doesn’t matter.

“We need to show people that Darwen is looking to the future and looking up, but this seems to be another failure.

“I have been getting a lot of stick off people on the market about this.

“But so few officers live in the borough - they don’t see it.”

Market traders said they had been kept in the dark over the plans.

Jill Kirkham who runs a card stall in the Market Hall said: “It would be silly to move the toilets now at Christmas time, but what a joke the traders haven’t been kept informed.

“It’s a total lack of communication as per usual.”

Peter Hunt, director of regeneration and environment for the council, said: "Work was due to begin on the town hall toilets before Christmas.

"The materials could not be supplied in time for the work to start and any delays could have resulted in disruptions during the Christmas trade.

"As we have put extra resources into making Christmas extra bigger and better this year in an effort to support the traders, it has been decided to start in the New Year."

The council announced plans in May to revert the 1882 building to its original design, with five shops at the front opening onto the market square.

The shop frontage of the town hall building was closed after 1970s, leaving just the main market entrance open.

The council has earmarked £200,000 from its 2008-2009 budget and sought £53,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund.