TWO bogus workmen tricked their way into the home of an elderly lady and stole cash.

At 2.30pm yesterday, two men claiming to be from the water board knocked on the door at an address in Griffin Street, Blackburn.

They asked the resident, an 86-year-old lady, if they could turn her stop tap off after claiming there was a burst pipe at the back of her house.

Once inside the house, one of the men distracted the lady whilst the other searched the property.

Both men then made off with a small amount of cash.

The two men were described as white and 5ft 6ins tall.

One was around 28-years-old, with a medium build, short fair hair and a round face.

He was wearing a white shirt and fawn coloured trousers.

The second man was approximately 26-years-old, with short dark hair and was wearing a blue jumper and trousers.

A police spokesperson said: “The lady has been left extremely upset by the ordeal and I urge anyone with information about these two men to contact us.”

Call police on 01254 51212 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.