RESIDENTS in Rossendale are on their way to achieving a 50 per cent recycling target since an additional “bring site” was opened in the borough.

The new site, based behind The White Horse in Helmshore Road, Helmshore, is proving to be a “huge success” since opening last month.

Council bosses said they have acted in a bid to increase recycling rates in the borough, which currently stands at 35 per cent. The new site includes recycling facilities for paper, cardboard, glass, cans, and plastics.

Local councillor and cabinet member Brian Essex says the council will help the town aim for an ‘outstanding recycling rate’. They currently lag behind neighbouring authorities, where rates can be as high as 70 per cent.

Coun Essex said: “Local people have been asking for improved recycling facilities in Helmshore and I am delighted that the council has agreed to provide them.

“We all need to do what we can to help save resources and help to reduce unnecessary waste.

“The new bring site will make it much easier for the people of Helmshore to do their bit for the benefit of the environment.

“We are aiming for success with the dedicated help of local residents.

“And with everybody’s support we will get there.

“Most people have been amazingly co-operative and we hope to carry on having a succ-essful recycling rate.”

He said that the new site is part of a steady upsurge in facilities that have been launched by the council in the past two years.

The majority of homes in Rossendale also receive a fortnightly kerb-side collection of recycled materials.