A CRACKDOWN on prolific criminals to stop them causing Christmas misery has been launched.

Police executed search warrants at three addresses in Burnley yesterday as part of Operation Fugo, aimed at reducing vehicle crime and burglaries.

They recovered a number of items, believed to have been stolen in burglaries at local shops recently.

And officers are warning thieves and drug dealers that similar raids will continue.

Police said the current economic crisis is proving a “difficult time” for officers in Burnley as there has been a recent increase in bur-glaries and vehicle crime.

Superintendent Sarah Oldham said: “We want to send a message to criminals.

"In the past we have sent out Christmas cards, but now we want to send them behind bars.

“I’m sick of what they are putting the public through and I don’t see why they should get away with it.

“But we would like the public to help themselves coming up to Christmas by not leaving their properties insecure.”

As a result of a raid at a property in Waterbarn Street, officers recovered a number of items, believed to have been stolen from a mobile phone retailer.

A 31-year-old was taken into custody on suspicion of handling stolen goods and was awaiting questioning.

Raids at houses in Cog Lane and Briercliffe Road were also completed, and officers believe their actions have sent out a ‘clear message’ to criminals. Inspector Russ Proctor, of Burnley Police, who led the raids, said: “The fact that we have recovered stolen property will reassure the public that if we get information we will act on it and these raids will continue in the future.”