A company is aiming to defy the current economic gloom and prove it is possible to be both successful and environmentally friendly.

Printoff Graphic Arts Ltd, based on the Lomeshaye Estate, in Nelson, recently received ISO 14001 environmental accreditation, which confirms the business is being developed and managed in a sustainable way. The company has invested in three new carbon- friendly digital presses and houses two printing presses, which use vegetable-based inks, making them kinder to the environment.

Printoff also recycles all its waste paper, which included 133 tonnes in 2007. It has also donated paper to local scout groups and schools.

By recycling the chemicals used in some procedures, including 5600 litres in 2007, the firm is ensuring no harm comes to local rivers.

Many of the 41-strong team live in the surrounding area so Printoff encourages walking to work or car-sharing. And company policy contains a section on fuel-efficient driving, giving advice on how to prolong tyre life and how to reduce fuel consumption.

Brian Hough, managing director, said: “Our aim is to become the North West’s number one environmental printer, and we believe we can only achieve this by working as a team, and having the whole workforce on board.”